Top 25 Minecraft Server Plugins with Listed Features

By James Flarakos | April 14, 2023
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Top 25 Minecraft Plugins For Your Minecraft Server
Here you can find the best 25 plugins you can use on a server to improve gameplay, give more administrator tools, protect plots, include holograms and much more!
Servers are always fun on Minecraft as everyone likes to customise their own, so its always a slightly different experience. If you have your own server then here are a list of plugins that others use that could really benefit your server.
These include a wide array of different features, so these can be used together or simply find one from the list that you didn’t know about and try it out on your server! So with that lets get straight into it with one of the best administrator plugins out there to this day.
Do you have an awesome Minecraft server, but need some players? Did you know that CurseForge now has a Minecraft server listing page to not only list your server but for others to find your server? Here you can easily upload your server information and display it with a live player count, what category of server you’re hosting and other information that makes your server stand out. Create custom images or gifs and make sure you can be found once you added any of the following plugins to make the experience even better!
1. EssentialsX – Spigot
EssentialsX is a collection of essential plugins for managing a Minecraft server. It gives admins a huge array of commands to use to manage a server and the players. It also includes a complete economy, shops, payment methods for players, tp, tpa, warps and much much more. Its the all in one admin plugin for your server. Its also allows you to give lots of custom commands to players with a permission plugin. View our guide here.
It also has many add-ons like chat, spawn, discord chat, warp gui and many more.
Its features include:
- Teleportation commands and tools.
- Warp creation and management.
- Home creation and management.
- Chat formatting and management.
- Customisable configuration.
If you truly want to build an outstanding and creative network, you need to make your own plugins. The fastest and easiest way to learn Minecraft plugins is following a proven process from professional instructions.
Check out Project Orion, the world’s biggest and most proven training that requires no previous coding skills. It will show you how to make minigames, custom entities, core plugin, anti-cheats, GUI and more.
2. WorldEdit – Bukkit
WorldEdit is a powerful plugin for editing and manipulating the terrain in Minecraft. Think of it like a “paint” for Minecraft. Allowing you to use tools like brushes, deletion, copy and paste and many more features that allow you to change the terrain.
This editing feature is one of the most popular for changing your landscape, building huge structures or otherwise helping with building maps of any size.
Its features include:
- Selection tools for editing specific regions.
- Copy, paste, and fill commands for quick edits.
- Undo and redo commands for fixing mistakes.
- Customizable configuration.
- Compatibility with other plugins.
3. WorldGuard – Bukkit
WorldGuard is a plugin for protecting and managing specific regions in Minecraft. Used in conjunction with world edit you can protect regions from grief, mobs spawning, pop and much more.
Its features include:
- Region creation and management.
- Customizable permissions for regions.
- Protection against griefing and other types of damage.
- Integration with other plugins.
- Customizable configuration.
4. Vault – Bukkit
Vault is a plugin for managing permissions for economy on a Minecraft server. It is pretty much the go to for any server using an economy. Most economies need vaults api to work, so if you have a shop plugin, this relies on an economy plugin such as essentialsx. But the economy plugin relies on vault for the api and everything to work. A staple of many Minecraft servers.
Its features include:
- Integration with multiple permission plugins.
- Integration with multiple economy plugins.
- Support for multiple Minecraft versions.
- Customizable configuration.
- API for plugin developers.
5. Dynmap – Spigot
Dynmap is a plugin for creating a live map of a Minecraft server. This is another personal favourite of mine as it creates a google maps style live view of your server including players and even allows people to talk through the online viewing page.
Its fairly easy to install if you follow a guide and gives you a brilliant representation of your map in real time. It also has a tone of integrations that show on the map such as grief prevention showing claims and many other popular plugins.
Its features include:
- Real-time updating of the map.
- Customizable map rendering.
- Integration with other plugins.
- Support for multiple Minecraft versions.
- Web interface for easy access.
6. mcMMO – Spigot
mcMMO is a plugin that adds RPG-like skills and abilities to Minecraft. With over 3 million downloads this is definitely one of the most popular RPG style plugins, this is now a premium plugin on spigot but as of this article been posted its free on their website.
Its features include:
- Skill levelling and progress tracking.
- Abilities for combat, mining, and other activities.
- Party and team management.
- Customizable configuration.
- Integration with other plugins.
7. Citizens
Citizens is a plugin for adding NPCs (non-player characters) to Minecraft. This will add so many features to your server and make it completely life like. From npc’s roaming around freely, ton pcs that have conversations. It also integrates with lots of other plugins including beauty quests to create npc’s with quests, rewards etc. Everything is customisable, even allowing you to use online skins for your npc’s easily.
Its features include:
- NPC creation and management.
- Customizable NPC behaviour.
- Integration with other plugins.
- Support for multiple Minecraft versions.
- API for plugin developers.
8. Multiverse – Spigot
Multiverse is a plugin for creating and managing multiple worlds on a Minecraft server. It’s the best alternative way to host multiple worlds with out using bungee cord and allows multiple worlds on one server. Players can easily go between different worlds, allowing you to create survival worlds, minigame worlds and more. It also has some great integration such as multiverse portals, that will let you make portals for players to travel from world to world. And other fun add-ons that integrate nicely.
Its features include:
- World creation and management.
- Customizable world properties.
- Teleportation between worlds.
- Integration with other plugins.
- Customisable configuration.
9. LWC Extended – Spigot
LWC is a plugin for protecting and managing chests, doors, and other types of containers on a Minecraft server. It is one of the oldest block protection plugins and is still updated to the latest version.
Its features include:
- Protection against theft and griefing.
- Customizable permissions for containers.
- Integration with other plugins.
- Customizable configuration.
- Support for multiple Minecraft versions.
10. CoreProtect – Spigot
CoreProtect is a plugin for tracking and rolling back changes made to a Minecraft server. Like grief protection, this one is essential for servers for its ability to stop griefing. In this case this plugin will role back the area effected and also notify you of what player causes it.
Its features include:
- Block tracking and logging.
- Rollback and restore commands.
- Customizable configuration.
- Integration with other plugins.
- Support for multiple Minecraft versions.
11. Votifier – Bukkit
Votifier is a plugin for enabling players to vote for your server on server list websites. This can be for planet minecraft or other such websites. It allows your players to vote, starting from in game and give the rewards for doing so. Which will help build your server reputation online when people are searching for new servers to join.
Its features include:
- Customizable vote sites and rewards.
- Vote tracking and logging.
- Integration with other plugins.
- Support for multiple Minecraft versions.
- API for plugin developers.
12. ChestShop – Spigot
Chest Shop is a plugin for creating player-run shops in Minecraft. You players on your server can create and manage their own shops, allowing buy-in and selling of items on a server. Use a permission plugin such as luck perms to give players access to commands and usages. Also add an economy plugin like essentials and vault or another plugin that integrates for economy. other great shop plugins include Villager Market.
Its features include:
- Shop creation and management.
- Customizable prices and stock levels.
- Support for multiple item types.
13. BetterRTP – Spigot
Better RTP is a plugin that allows players to teleport to random locations in the world. By using a simple command they can travel a specified distance away eg between 100 and 50000 thousand blocks (set by you). This helps for spawns when players want to build somewhere new and undiscovered or away from others.
Its features include:
- Random teleportation within a specific radius.
- Customizable cooldown and delay times.
- Integration with other plugins.
- Support for multiple Minecraft versions.
- Customizable configuration.
14. UltimateTimber – Spigot
Ultimate Timber is a plugin for cutting down entire trees with a single swing of an axe. This saves time and many players enjoy using this plugin on servers. Especially for big projects this plugin is a must have.
Its features include:
- Tree cutting with a single axe swing.
- Customizable settings for tree height and diameter.
- Integration with other plugins.
- Support for multiple Minecraft versions.
- Customizable configuration.
15. Holographic Displays – Bukkit
Holographic Displays is a plugin for creating floating text and images in Minecraft. You can create icons, text and help guide players around spawn and other areas. It also integrates with many plugins allowing them to utilise the displays for things like minigames or scoreboards.
Its features include:
- Text and image creation and management.
- Customizable display settings.
- Integration with other plugins.
- Support for multiple Minecraft versions.
- Customizable configuration.
16. LuckPerms
LuckPerms is a plugin for managing permissions on a Minecraft server. This is one of the most well known and well used permissions plugins. It is super easy to use and add or remove permissions from players. Once in game you can type /lp editor and it takes you to an online web page where you can manage all permissions. I personally recommend this and use this for practically every server. It also works well and integrates with geyser for java and bedrock players. View our guide on setting permissions here.
Its features include:
- User, group, and permission management.
- Customizable inheritance and priority settings.
- Integration with other plugins.
- Support for multiple Minecraft versions.
- Customizable configuration.
17. AuctionHouse – Spigot
AuctionHouse is a plugin for creating player-run auctions in a Minecraft server. Players can easily add items to the auction house, and have other players buy them. It includes and easy to use GUI menu if you do the /ah command and you can even charge taxes or amounts for listing an item.
Its features include:
- Auction creation and management.
- Customisable auction duration and starting prices.
- Integration with other plugins.
- Support for multiple Minecraft versions.
- Customisable configuration.
18. ProtocolLib – Spigot
ProtocolLib is a plugin that allows for advanced packet manipulation on your server. This can help other plugins run seamlessly together such as holographic displays and placeholders.
Its features include:
- Custom packet creation and manipulation.
- Integration with other plugins.
- Support for multiple Minecraft versions.
- Customizable configuration.
- API for plugin developers.
19. GriefPrevention – Spigot
Grief Prevention is a plugin for protecting against griefing on a Minecraft server.Its one of the best known and in my opinion the best anti grief protection for a server. ts intuitive and protects every aspect of your server including pets, chest, frame and more. It also integrated well with dynamap and realist plugins.
Its features include:
- Claims for protecting specific areas.
- Customizable permission settings.
- Integration with other plugins.
- Support for multiple Minecraft versions.
- Customizable configuration.
20. MobArena – Spigot
MobArena is a plugin for creating player-run combat arenas in Minecraft. You can create amazing arenas and have player battle waves of mobs for winning prizes. Set the difficulty and waves, create the arenas and get started with your PVP Arena server!
Its features include:
- Arena creation and management.
- Customizable enemy waves and difficulty levels.
- Integration with other plugins.
- Support for multiple Minecraft versions.
- Customisable configuration.
21. ChestCommands – Bukkit
ChestCommands is a plugin for creating custom GUI menus in Minecraft. Once configured players an use your GUI menu for command prompts among other awesome features you get with this plugin.
Its features include:
- Customizable menu creation and management.
- Integration with other plugins.
- Support for multiple Minecraft versions.
- Customizable configuration.
- API for plugin developers.
22. CrazyCrates – Spigot
CrazyCrates is a plugin for creating randomised loot crates in Minecraft. Its great for mom servers to keep players interested and winning random prizes to keep them logging on!
Its features include:
- Crate creation and management.
- Customizable crate types and rewards.
- Integration with other plugins.
- Support for multiple Minecraft versions.
- Customizable configuration.
23. MarriageMaster – Spigot
MarriageMaster is a plugin for allowing players to get married in Minecraft. Allowing you to create a more life like experience on your Minecraft server.
Its features include:
- Marriage creation and management.
- Customizable settings for marriage requirements.
- Integration with other plugins.
- Support for multiple Minecraft versions.
- Customisable configuration.
24. BeautyQuests – Spigot
Beauty Quests is a plugin for creating quests and objectives in Minecraft. It allows you to create storylines with quests that have to be completed in sequences, random quests and integrates with citizens to for it to work.
Its features include:
- Quest creation and management.
- Customizable objectives and rewards.
- Integration with other plugins.
- Support for multiple Minecraft versions.
- Customizable configuration.
25. PlaceholderAPI – Spigot
PlaceholderAPI is a plugin that allows for the use of placeholders in Minecraft chat and other plugins. Otherwise known as PAPI this integrates with most major plugins to provide placeholders and api between plugins to display visuals.
Its features include:
- Custom placeholders creation and management.
- Integration with other plugins.
- Support for multiple Minecraft versions.
- Customizable configuration.
- API for plugin developers.
- Dynamic placeholders for displaying dynamic information such as player data and server status.
- Compatibility with most major plugins.
Sure, as a hosting company, we highly recommend using these 25 plugins to enhance your Minecraft server experience. These plugins offer a variety of features, including performance optimization, minigame creation, protection against griefing, and more.
By hosting your server with us, you can be assured that our servers are optimized to handle these plugins and offer a seamless experience for you and your players. Our knowledgeable support team is also available to assist you with any questions or issues you may encounter while setting up and managing your server.
In addition, our hosting packages come with easy one-click installation of these plugins and other popular ones. With our affordable pricing, 24/7 support, and reliable hosting services, we offer optimised Minecraft servers for the best hosting experience that you won’t find anywhere else.
So, why wait? Sign up today and start creating your ultimate Minecraft server using these 25 amazing plugins!
Author Profile

- I love to make Minecraft content, and easy quick tutorials for others to use. And you can see more video and tips at www.jdogofficial.com
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